BASE Program
The BASE Program provides students with techniques to improve decision making skills related to school, home, and community. These techniques could help improve student compliance with school & district discipline codes, school attendance, academic performance, and transfer successfully between working environments.
Students will be responsible for bringing their coursework from their home schools. A teacher will reach out to district liaisons after the first day, to confirm that students have all their proper materials and are electronically shared with BASE. Materials will remain at our program until a student's final day.
It is preferred, but not required that students come with their district-provided laptop or tablet. If any course work is not conducive to using a Chromebook, they will have to bring a device from their home school. For example, requiring use of applications that are Apple device-specific. Do not send students with work that will require scissors, knives, other sharp objects, construction tools, etc, as these items are not permitted on the premises.
A conference will be scheduled with the parent(s)/guardian(s), home school district liaison, other support service representatives, and a BASE staff member to discuss the student’s progress at BASE and to ensure a positive transition back to the student’s home school.
Support services include social skills instruction (i.e., conflict resolution, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills), goal sheets that track student work ethic and behaviors, and academic study skills and strategies. Students and parents may be assisted with referrals to Lake County community service agencies to assist with drug education/treatment programs, Gang Outreach Program of Lake County, and individual or family counseling.

This program is for students in grades 6-12 who are on out-of-school suspension ranging 4-10 days.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Classes are approximately five (5) to ten (10) students per academic team.
A district-identified administrator will facilitate the referral, authorize credit/course of study plans and student transportation, as well as confirm all school records are updated and maintained by the district. Transportation arrangements will be made by the student’s home school district. The student will not be allowed to drive his/her own vehicle to school.