Regional Safe School
The Safe School Program provides students with techniques to improve decision making skills related to school, home, and community. These techniques could help improve student compliance with school & district discipline codes, school attendance, academic performance, and transfer successfully between working environments.

This program is for disruptive students in grades 6-12, who have received multiple suspensions, are eligible for expulsion, or have been expelled from school.
Classes are approximately five (5) to ten (10) students per academic team. Attendance is Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
An Alternative Education Plan (AEP) is developed by the district, the student, the parent, and the ROE Alternative Program staff prior to the student’s enrollment in the program. The AEP outlines the student’s requirements for successful completion of and exit from the program.
Learning activities will follow the student’s course of study as determined at the AEP conference. The student will be presented with a combination of traditional teacher-directed classes,
individualized instruction, and independent study through the use of technology delivered learning.
The technology learning program will be utilized only with our high school students to meet their
academic needs to recover academic credit. The high school student may receive instruction in
both required and elective classes/courses. Grades and credits from the Regional Safe School Program will be accepted towards promotion/graduation by the student’s home school district.
Student progress reviews will be maintained at six week intervals for the purpose of confirming appropriateness of the AEP and program placement. The Regional Safe School Program staff will maintain regular contact with the parents/guardians and district liaison to assure the student’s optimal success.
A Transition Plan will identify the student’s goals, activities, and timelines for a smooth transition to his/her home school, to work, or to another alternative. A conference may be scheduled with the parent(s)/guardian(s), home school district liaison, other support service representatives, and the Regional Safe School Program staff to finalize the plan.
Support services includes social skills instruction (i.e., conflict resolution, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills), baseline and random drug screens, goal development and implementation, and academic study skills and strategies. Students and parents are assisted with referrals to Lake County community service agencies to assist with drug education/treatment programs, Gang Outreach Program of Lake County, and individual and/or family counseling.
Districts will identify a district administrator to facilitate the referral, authorize credit/course of study plans, assist in developing the AEP at enrollment and transfer to home school, and confirm all school records are updated and maintained by the district. Transportation arrangements will be made by the student’s home school district. The student will not be allowed to drive his/her own vehicle to school.